“I've been meaning to tell you about my experience with Greens First Women Menopause Formula. When I received the information a few months ago about your new product, I was very skeptical of the benefits that were being described. We have been using Greens First Products for many years (even before buying direct from you) and feel that your products contribute to our healthy life. (My husband and I are both in our mid 60's, and not on any medications whatsoever). So that puts me post menopausal, complete with the Dr. Jekyll/Mrs. Hyde mood swings, drenching hot flashes, and fatigue … to name just a few of the wonderful highlights of this stage in a woman's life. I was very intrigued by the product and spoke to you at length. You were kind enough to describe your mom's experience with the Menopause Formula, so I decided to try it. I have been using the Menopause Formula for almost 3 months and I am thrilled with my experience with it. The first thing I noticed is that my hot flashes became “warm”, and with monitoring my diet (reducing chocolate , wine and sugar ), I hardly have any, and if I do, they are very mild. The very next thing I noticed within a couple days was that my moods evened out, and I became happier. I know that sounds pretty sappy but this wonderful benefit was the most surprising and most important to me. I then noticed that the ridges on my nails are smoothing out and my nails are not splitting. I take this formula every single day as soon as I wake up and it starts my day off perfectly. Occasionally, I will take the Greens First Formula and the Vanilla Boost in the afternoon. My energy is awesome, and I sleep better. My husband and I are so grateful for your wonderful line of high quality products. The interesting thing is that we don't notice a difference while we take them, but if we stop for any reason, then we notice that are bodies are not getting the nourishment needed, and quite honestly, we feel pretty crappy. Anyway, just wanted to share my experience with you and please communicate our extreme satisfaction to your wonderful team. Have a Happy and Vibrantly Healthy New Year!”