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Whole Food Products to Help You Put Your Health First!

Natural, health-focused nutrition made with the highest quality ingredients. We have years of experience providing beloved nutritional wellness products for the whole family.*

The Many Ways
to Enjoy Greens First
Phytonutrient Powder

Supercharge a shaker cup of water with 15+ servings of fruits and veggies, blend phytonutrients from plants into your morning smoothie, or just take your antioxidants on-the-go with our convenient travel packets.

No matter how you like to get your greens, we’ve got you covered.

Learn About Your Body

Knowledge is Power

Discover the reasoning behind the nutrition advice we preach. Learning about how your body reacts to the environment you put it in is key to making the changes you want to see, from decreasing inflammation to alleviating depression and anxiety.

Reviews From Real People


“I was introduced to Greens First Female Menopause Formula by my OB/GYN more than a month ago. Prior to taking it, I had difficulty sleeping through the night and had started experiencing hot flashes. Since I started taking it, I have been sleeping through the night without any problems. The drink has also helped me to alleviate hot flashes. I look forward every day to my minty green drink.”

Claudia A.


“I can't get enough of Greens First. I crave it and it gives me so much energy. I train as a competitive figure athlete and I really find it helps with my immune system and workout recovery. I also use it to give me a satiation feeling and it keeps me full until my next meal. I can use Greens First every day and feel amazing. I feel even more stronger, focused and healthy.”

Tatiana Green


“Prior to using Greens First Female my monthly menstrual was terrible, vomiting, cramping I mean it was terrible. I was introduced to the PMS formula product and it has been amazing. Since I started there has been no vomiting and no pain. Thank you Greens First Female for making a product so great.”

J. Rhodes


“Thought you and your colleagues would enjoy this picture of my grandson Gabriel. He is 3 and has been drinking Greens First since he was 10 months old. All the best,”

Charles K. Bens Dr.


Prior to using Greens First Female my monthly menstrual was terrible, vomiting, cramping I mean it was terrible. I was introduced to the PMS formula product and it has been amazing. Since I started there has been no vomiting and no pain. Thank you Greens First Female for making a product so great.



“First green mint I been drinking for about 5 years now. It all came about because my step dad had a heart attack and he need to get back to healthier lifestyle. So from him we all start drinking this wonderful drink. I drink it every morning with frozen fruits or sometime plain I even mix it w I think my plain yogurt to give it the mint flavor. I love it not only does it tastes good it helps me started my day. I always tell others about this great tasting product of your.”

Dennis West


“I just wanted to share a story with you. I am in the Army National Guard Full Time and have a weight requirement to keep my job. We have a young kid in my unit who is my height (5’3″) but weighed close to 200 lbs. We work in different locations so I only see him once a month. Last month I noticed he lost tons of weight. When I asked him how he did it he showed me a product his nutritionist sells; “Greens First”. After getting the okay from my nutritionist I ordered the product online. As you know, I am so happy with the product I have ordered more. Since I’ve started the regiment; I have lost two inches and can FINALLY button the top button of my uniform trousers. I have been bragging about your product and how well it works!Happy to be healthy again!”

Maria W Army National Guard, US Army


“I am very impressed with your Women's Probiotic Formula. It has made an unbelievable difference immediately for me … no bloating, no digestive pain, no gas, and it lasts about 12 hours. (By that time I'm ready for bed). I feel I am absorbing nutrients much better also. Your company is so amazing to be offering such vital products, and you are one of the few companies I trust with my health. Again, thank you so much. Have a wonderful day!”

Carla H.


“If you are looking to gain energy or looking to increase your overall wellness, Greens First Products are the best on the market! I work for a chiropractor who researches everything before he recommends products to his patients, and nothing compares to Greens First! I started taking the products to increase my overall nutrition, but as I got older I have found they have helped me in more ways than I could have imagined! I just turned 50 and one of my goals was to always be within 5 lbs. of what I was when I got married. I have attained that goal so far (after 26 years of marriage), and I find my skin has stayed more elastic/radiant with the nutritional products, as well as my energy level staying the same as when I was 35! I know the affect these products have on me, because I don’t take my supplements when I’m on vacation. When I start my routine up again afterwards, my body and energy level always feels much better after a few days. I’m very thankful I have found these products! Greens First has helped me be the best version of myself!”

Kim M.


“What more can I say other than these products have brought me back to life! I'm 23yrs old, and like many young padawans money is tight. Nutrition can be expensive. My Chiropractic father carries these products in his office and got me started on them last year. My energy level and my health have improved exponentially! For work I get to travel to many 3rd world countries, and now take the protein and the greens wherever I go. (sometimes leaving it behind for the orphanges I visit) 🙂 Thanks for this incredible product! Other than Jesus, Greens is First for me 😉”

John M. Jurcheck


“Prior to using Greens First Female my monthly menstrual was terrible, vomiting, cramping I mean it was terrible. I was introduced to the PMS formula product and it has been amazing. Since I started there has been no vomiting and no pain. Thank you Greens First Female for making a product so great.”

Anna Hines


“A tasting station set up by a wonderful Greens First Healthcare Provider”

Dr. Ken Patterson


This e-mail is to Mr. Ryan M. Benson and all the great folks at GreensFirst.I am currently stationed in Afghanistan and the chow here, to say the least, leaves a lot to be desired both in taste and nutrition.My job requires that I stay in top physical shape so you can imagine how important nutrition is to me. When I got on the ground here and was assigned to my team, a couple of the senior guys introduced me to your products. I ordered GreensFirst and dream protein right away. To say I am satisfied is clearly an understatement, let’s just say I am a customer for life!!During the holidays I was stuck here, away from my wife and children. I had placed an order for more GreensFirst and dream protein. When the order arrived, just after Christmas, I found a letter inside the box telling me that you were not charging me for my order and thanking me for the service to my country. I was overwhelmed and your timing for this gift was awesome. I can’t say thank you enough and this meant a lot to me.I will pass this forward the best way I know how and that will be by way of promoting your company and your awesome products.I have a question for you. In my last order you put a lot of sample packets of GreensFirst, Dream Protein and boost (I am now hooked on the Boost) in the box. These sample packets fit in our go-bags so we have GreensFirst, Dream Protein, and boost in the field with us. Do you have these packets available for sale?Thank you so much again!!!

B. Palmer


The product is amazing! I had to have a total hysterectomy in September due to cancer and I knew there would be complications afterwards. This product was introduced to me by my OB/GYN and I have been a nurse as well for 20 years so I knew how I would feel after the surgery. It has been amazing…it is helping me lose weight & not feel hungry, helps with hot flashes & night sweats. I actually stopped taking it for a week to see if I could feel difference and believe me I felt it. When I stopped taking it the hot flashes & sweats came back and I couldn’t sleep well. I use it every day; I mix into my smoothies every morning. I have been recommending it to all of my friends!

Marie Jacquet


“I first started using Greens First when I was introduced to it while working at a Local Chiropractors Office. I start each morning out with my Original greens and chocolate boost!! Thank you for giving me healthy options!!”

Amanda Forne


“My chiropractor introduced me to Greens First. I am not always good about getting all my veggies daily diet and drinking Greens helps to replace what my diet may be lacking. I have tried a few other green drinks, but none taste as good as Greens First!”

Kathy Uffelman


“I've been meaning to tell you about my experience with Greens First Women Menopause Formula. When I received the information a few months ago about your new product, I was very skeptical of the benefits that were being described. We have been using Greens First Products for many years (even before buying direct from you) and feel that your products contribute to our healthy life. (My husband and I are both in our mid 60's, and not on any medications whatsoever). So that puts me post menopausal, complete with the Dr. Jekyll/Mrs. Hyde mood swings, drenching hot flashes, and fatigue … to name just a few of the wonderful highlights of this stage in a woman's life. I was very intrigued by the product and spoke to you at length. You were kind enough to describe your mom's experience with the Menopause Formula, so I decided to try it. I have been using the Menopause Formula for almost 3 months and I am thrilled with my experience with it. The first thing I noticed is that my hot flashes became “warm”, and with monitoring my diet (reducing chocolate , wine and sugar ), I hardly have any, and if I do, they are very mild. The very next thing I noticed within a couple days was that my moods evened out, and I became happier. I know that sounds pretty sappy but this wonderful benefit was the most surprising and most important to me. I then noticed that the ridges on my nails are smoothing out and my nails are not splitting. I take this formula every single day as soon as I wake up and it starts my day off perfectly. Occasionally, I will take the Greens First Formula and the Vanilla Boost in the afternoon. My energy is awesome, and I sleep better. My husband and I are so grateful for your wonderful line of high quality products. The interesting thing is that we don't notice a difference while we take them, but if we stop for any reason, then we notice that are bodies are not getting the nourishment needed, and quite honestly, we feel pretty crappy. Anyway, just wanted to share my experience with you and please communicate our extreme satisfaction to your wonderful team. Have a Happy and Vibrantly Healthy New Year!”

Carla H.


“I never get sick when on Greens First! Great taste esp in orange juice!!! Love it!”

Lance Allen


“Last year I contracted MRSA, and was taking antibiotics. But then I started researching how to fight MRSA naturally, and a high level of antioxidants is one of the best ways. I started using Greens First, and I have not had a recurrence for the last 8 months. I know Greens First plays a huge part in keeping me healthy due to its high level of antioxidant packed fruits and veggies. I love the protein powder too – I mix them together, and they make a great shake. This is Great stuff!”

Rick F


“I’m gluten intolerant and nearly through my first container of greens first! Thank you!”

Jessie B.


“I am sending this testimonial out to Mr. Ryan Benson at Greens First, he was very helpful when I called with my questions on the products.(Thank you Ryan). About the products I have used the greens first with the dream protein (Chocolate) for about 2 months now and I look forward to my next shake time as I like the slight minty, slight greens, sweet chocolate, refreshing taste. Not to mention how much better I feel by using these products seeing that I have fibromyalgia, Ibs/digestion issues, I was tired all the time, I needed to loss weight. But since taking the products my body pain has gotten better, Ibs/digestion issues seem better, I have energy, and I have lost 10lbs. And if I miss a day without taking the products I can tell a big difference in how I feel. After talking to Ryan he has told me that Greens First, with the Greens First boost and also the Ahiflower oil maybe a better option for me to try. So I will definitely give them products a try as I plan to continue with the products.”

Tracy Folts


“I got started on Greens First by my sister who has Hodgkins Disease and is always looking for supplements that her body can handle. Now I am hooked – I love my Greens First in the mornings before my workouts!”

Randi D.